I arrived at work this morning and decided I needed to express some feelings before I dive into another busy week.
My heart is so full after this weekend. Mothers day is one of my favorite days because I feel so blessed to have such an amazing mother. She is my best friend (aside from my amazing hubby) and she never ceases to amaze me. She is strong, courageous, and loving and I hope someday I can be half the mother she is.
Being a mom has changed my life and I don't feel like I can fully express how much I love Linkin. He is such an amazing blessing and I still can't figure out what I did to deserve such a wonderful spirit. He teaches me daily. His new thing is to yell "momma" just to make sure I'm aware that he is there :) he makes me laugh constantly. Every night when I take him to bed we sing our song and say our prayers and for a minute the world stops and I wouldn't give those moments up for anything in the world.
JJ spoils me rotten on Mothers Day and this year was no different. I sure love him and I'm so glad I get to experience parenting with my best friend. JJ is the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without him. He is such an amazing dad and Linkin and I are so blessed to have him.
Happy Mothers Day friends, I hope you had a great one. I am surrounded by amazing woman and I love you all!
Until next time,